Fast and varied placements serves and returns


Jenny Gomm
Jenny Gomm Asked 4 years ago

Hi Alois,

I got a battering today!  I was playing against someone who serves and returns at a very fast speed and the placement of her shots are very varied to all parts of the table.  Any tips please on how I can play to win?  I certainly didn't today!



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Jenny,

We have all had those batterings... It just means that you have widened your net to find some better players.

If a player is playing fast the first thing would be to try to slow them down.  You can think about saving the ball short.  That means that the ball is going to bounce at least twice on their end of the table.  Then think about keeping the ball lower and find the side or place on the table where they aren't as confident.  We all have those.

When she is serving, think about how you can keep her away from that fast attack.  Again it may be by finding the weaker side or by keeping the ball lower or slower.  Surprisingly, sometimes it may just be a change of pace between shots that can do the trick.

She may just be a better player all round, but try to find the little advantages and you never know what will happen in a game situation.

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Thoughts on this question

Nigel C

Nigel C Posted 4 years ago


If you can attack their long serves it might make them change how they serve. For receiving long serves try standing just half a step further back, this gives you more time to attack. You don't need to hit winners off the serves, just take the initiative by playing to their weaker side or aim at the elbow of their playing arm - their middle.

Jenny Gomm

Jenny Gomm Posted 4 years ago

Great, thanks for your comments.  Not sure when I'll be playing her next, but I'll look forward to trying out the suggested tactics.  Thanks for your help Alois & Nigel C.  Jenny

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