Fast ball serve errors


Patrick Abad
Patrick Abad Asked 11 years ago

Hi coaches,

everytime i attempt to use the fast long serve, i cant make it perfect. Its either my serve is long but very slow and very high or sometimes it goes out of the table. Is there anything you can suggest so I can perform this serve perfectly?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi PAtrick,

You need to practice this away from the match situation.  Put a target on the table where you want to hit the ball and repeatedly practice serving to that target.

Don't be afraid to miss the table during these practice sessions.   Just focus on getting the ball close to the target.  This may mean that sometimes you just miss the target and hit the ball off the end of the table.  This is still OK.

With training you will start to become more consistent with it.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Variation of Spin

Varying the spin on your serve makes it harder to return. You can vary the type of spin but possibly even more effective is varying the amount of spin.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Here's a previous video response that may help you out - Fast Serve Down the Line

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