Hello, can you tell me how to do this serve? (3:13-3:15)
I want to know how to hit the ball, how fast and hard to hit it, and where the ball should bounce on my side and the opponents side, because whenever i try doing this serve, the ball goes fast on the first bounce, but slow and high on the second, and sometimes it misses the table! help!!
Hi Sally,
The keys to this serve are to hit the ball as flat and fast as you can to start with. The first bounce will tend to be quite close to you on your side.
The other critical factor is keeping the ball low. Get a set up like we have in our lesson on Keeping the Ball Low. This will give you good feedback on how high the ball is going.
Don't be afraid to hit the ball long in training, in fact you need to hit a few balls long to work out how fast you can hit it.
It may sound like a bad idea but the no spin serve can be effective when put together with a range of spin serves. In fact, this is a must have in your arsenal of serves.
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