Faults serving


Arturo Ruiz
Arturo Ruiz Asked 11 years ago

Hi, Alois

As in tennis, if you make a fault in your serve, it's counted as half a point or directly as an entire point?

I'm so confused....


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Arturo,

In Table Tennis if you serve a fault you lose the point straight away.  You don't get two chances.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Missing the Ball on the Serve

We tell you what happens if you miss the ball completely when you are serving. Fault, lose a point or a let?

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Thoughts on this question

Arturo Ruiz

Arturo Ruiz Posted 11 years ago

Sorry for asking too much :), but I read that if when you serve, and the ball hits your side and then your opponent's side it cannot go towards the right or the left (I don't know if I explained it well). I hope u undestood.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Arturo,

The ball is allowed to go anywhere on the other side of the table when you serve in singles.

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