FH and BH switching footwork


Kaustubh Kulkarni
Kaustubh Kulkarni Asked 10 years ago

I am a right handed player. My coach tells me that when I play a backhand counter-hit, my left foot should be forward so that I can kill the next ball with forehand with the same foot ahead.I feel easier to switch between forehand and backhand with this footwork, but sometimes I am unable to put more speed on my backhand hit with the left foot ahead.

Please tell me which footwork should I use while I play a backhand counter hit either left or right foot ahead?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Kaustubh,

For the backhand counterhit stand square to where you want to hit the ball.  If you have more time you can put your right foot more forward but when you are close to the table it is easiest to have your feet square.

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Switching between BH & FH

In this master class we give you some tips on switching between backhand and forehand.

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