Fitness training


Daniele A
Daniele A Asked 7 years ago


I'm working on learning proper footwork for moving to the next ball, but I find it very hard on my legs, and in the second half of my training session I am too tired to do it well. I decided that I am not fit enough for the proper footwork.  I am not fat or anything specially bad, just that I didn't play any sport for some years, and I have a quite sedentary life. To recover some fitness, I started to go out running regularly.

I wonder, if beside running, other exercises could be useful for table tennis. For example, is it useful if I also do some sideways shuffling? And some squats? Can you think about other useful exercises? Should I take care only of my legs, or should I also do something for my upper body? How would you organize a 45 min - 1 hour training session outdoor?

Thank you very much for your very useful website! 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Daniele,

We are not fitness experts but just from experience squats are very useful to increase leg strength and also allow yourself to move faster and for longer.

Other things such as running and skipping will help as well.

If you are really focused on this, speak to someone with expertise in strength and conditioning.  Usually you can find someone at a gym but you will often have to explain to them what you are talking about as their concept of training Table Tennis may not be realistic.


Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Lobbing Tactics

If you get pushed back from the table don't just give up the point. Try and and get back into the rally. By lobbing the ball high and deep you give yourself time to get into position. If you can then get some topspin on the ball to force the smasher further away from the table then you are likely to get a weaker smash and then you can take your chance and try to counter attack!

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