Fixing rubber on a new bat


Husam Khalid
Husam Khalid Asked 8 years ago


I just got a bat about a week ago. It's a Palio expert 2. It works great but unfortunatly someone hit the top of the bat against the table. Now about 1cm of the rubber/sponge is no longer attached to the bat (at the top). It's not a problem now but i imagine it will grow worse. Any tips on fixing this? Am I to remove the entire rubber then reglue (which I've never done before) or is there an easier way since it's only a bit that is un attached? 

Thanks so much

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Husam,

If it is easy enough to get under the bit that is unattached, then just put some glue under there and stick it down again.

It won't effect the performance of the racket because you very rarely hit the ball up in that area anyway.

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