Flat Fast Pendulum Serve


Cloud Cledera
Cloud Cledera Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

how do you do a Flat Fast Pendulum Serve on a shakehand? I always end up with He Zhi Wen's serve (topspin+sidespin). I've been trying it time and time, but it's still slow. 


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Cloud,

The key is the flat contact.  If you brush on contact the ball will curve.  Get the bat to come directly behind the ball at the tie of contact like you are doing a simple flat serve.

Think about getting the far edge of your bat to come through a bit faster and at the same time as the near edge.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Pendulum Serve

The pendulum serve is the most popular serve in all of Table Tennis. In this lesson we teach you the important principles and how to vary the serve between backspin, sidespin and topspin.

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