Flat stroke against backspin


Kedar Dandekar
Kedar Dandekar Asked 6 years ago

Hi sir,

Normally the ball which is cut or chop by other player we have to open that ball by topspin. but we can also kill it when it is on net level. what this stroke is called ?

Thanks a lot.   


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Kedar,

This is a smash but against a backspin ball the stroke is quite risky with low margin for error.

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Thoughts on this question

Kedar Dandekar

Kedar Dandekar Posted 6 years ago

Thanks a lot sir .I will practice that and keep you posted about my improvement .


Thanks a lot.


D K Posted 6 years ago

Kedar,if I can advise,try to keep the swing short and fast.
You need to minimize dwell time in order to minimize the spin effect.
Also,watch the ball very carefull because you cannot afford misreading the amount of backspin.
If you enlenghten the swing,you must also increase the swing speed.
Else you will get a slow and inconsistent stroke.
This is mostly done by shortpips players,but it is possible with inverted aswell.
For forehand,the closest one is He Zhi Wen.
For shakehand backhand,I think Jorgen Person is the closest although he does not actually use shortpips or flathit against backspin.

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