Flight of a chopped and float ball difference


andrew brand
andrew brand Asked 12 years ago

hi alois, i was just watching joo se hyuk vs ma long, there was a point where joo was defending from far away, chops with heavy backspin, and then one with no spin on it which ma lifted off the end of the table, the commentator remarked that that ball massively floated back and ma didnt see the difference, lifted it long. 

So my question is - how can i spot the difference when i play against a chopper?

Does a float ball travel slower/faster than a heavy backspun chop?

Thanks in advance.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Andrew,

The backspin ball will be a little slower through the air  and tend to hold up in the air a little because the backspin will keep it up.  The float ball will be a little faster and die quite fast.  The spin ball will hold a straight line better because the spin will keep it on line.  The float ball will wobble around a little.

It is a really subtle variation and one that you will start to recognise with a lot of hitting.  Start by getting someone to tell you what spin they are going to put on the ball and watch the flight.  After a while get them to vary the spin and see if you can pick which one it is.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

The Float Serve

The float or no spin serve is an effective tool to have in your bag of serves. It adds good variation to your serves and can often set you up with an easy 3rd ball opportunity.

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Thoughts on this question

andrew brand

andrew brand Posted 12 years ago

Thats great, thanks very much i will do that.

ganesh burra

ganesh burra Posted 11 years ago


       What is float ball? How to execute this stroke?

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

A float ball is just a no spin ball hit with a flat bat.

ganesh burra

ganesh burra Posted 11 years ago

Oh I see, then in such a case we can make out difference between chop and float by observing the bat angle, also in float the ball would sound somewhat crisply while hitting the bat(which may be hard to hear in a tournament with so much noise)

Maurizio Colucci

Maurizio Colucci Posted 11 years ago

If you have good sight you can see if the ball is spinning or is flat. This is what I do to detect fake chops.

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