Hey Guys,
So I am a penhold player. I find that on my forehand my elbow wants to come up after the stroke. Like I am willing the ball to go over the net and hit the table. Should I be concerned? Is it that my stroke is too close to my body-- meaning I should use my whole arm to swing much like Xu Xin does? What stance logically gives more power-- a tighter forehand stance/stroke like Liu Guoliang when he played or that long Xu Xin penhold forehand stance/stroke?
Thanks guys. You guys are the best!!!
Hi Daniel,
I find that when the elbow floats up it is usually due to tension in the shoulder. When the shoulder tightens the arm and elbow have no where to go so the elbow tend to move upwards.
Focus first on the shoulder and see if this helps.
I think a bigger swing will also help with this. If you are too close to the ball the elbow will also tend to float upwards.
I don’t think the stance is so important but more the two points above.
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Daniel Martinez Posted 10 years ago
Hey Ping Skills,
Thank you! Yes, that helps a lot. I went out this morning and my shoulder IS tight. And, it is mostly b/c I am to close to the ball. I'm going to open up my swing more. Try to get use to the newer stroke and try to train myself to open up the stroke some. Mostly b/c I find that the elbow floating takes me out of position some times. Especially when I put everything into a stroke and they return it quickly.
Thanks Ping Skills!!!
Thanks Alois!!!
Thanks Jeff!!!
You guys truly are the best!!!
Great to hear it helped you Daniel.