Flooring to Use at Home for Training


Charles Unknown
Charles Unknown Asked 15 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!,

 I've been wondering what flooring do they use at MSAC, the place you train and do your videos in. Could you ask them? I plan on using a similar flooring for training purposes at home.Please don't skip the important details like if it's glued to concrete or it's interlocking.

 Also in your opinion, what kind of wood flooring would best suit training at home?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Charlie,

They use a wooden flooring on a wooden frame base.  It is real wooden floor boards.

You don't need to get too technical with this.  Wooden flooring is good.  As long as it has a grippy surface.

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Thoughts on this question

thijs gruwez

thijs gruwez Posted 9 years ago

In my club they have wooden floor on top of a wooden base which I really like. It's the best floor for the knees and anckles as well as the speed of the game itself is ok. Harder floors create quicker play with less spin.


I currently play on the attick on carpet. Not the best floor probably of course but my garage is almost ready now and I'm looking for the floor that can handle cars and is grippy enough for table tennis. Probably any garage floor will make the table quite fast am I right? Could this be solved using pieces of carpet under the table legs? any suggestions for the flooring concerning grip and maybe damping?


Could PVC tiles be an option?


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Hi Thijs,

I am not sure if there is anything that will stand the weight of a car and also be kind on our knees and back.  Any suggestions welcome.

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