Focusing on Tactics

Mental Preparation

leonardo gabica
leonardo gabica Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois,

Recently,I played in my tournament at district level i was expecting myself to be nervous but i didnt.  Instead, i played calm which help my strokes succeed 100%.  Can you explain to me what kind of trait is this?

And how to maintain this because i didn't know how did i did it, i just played to the point, where i only think is to get that next point and that tactic, is that great?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Leonardo,

That is perfect.  I think you have found something good there.  Try to remember the feelings you had when playing.  Focusing on the tactic for the next point is where you want to be.

Well done.

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Thoughts on this question

leonardo gabica

leonardo gabica Posted 11 years ago

Oh, Sorry for the reply, i will try to practice in recalling all my feelings from that game 

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