Follow up after service


rajiv gollerkeri
rajiv gollerkeri Asked 13 years ago

Alois, jeff,

after having bought your dvds and being a premium member, my services have really improved, though i am still practicing to get my pendulum serve in place. im able to get good spin, serving short. but i find that i use my arm also , which makes my body go front in the follow through, and invariably if the ball is pushed long, either into my body or the forehand corner, im unable to attack well as im too close to the table. ive seen your video of the follow through after serving, but i just dont find the time to get back. do you think i should have weight transfer on to the front foot more so i can kick back?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Rajiv,

Try to get the weight coming into your right foot so that you can push back and into position.  Also make sure you are bending both legs at the start of the service action.  This will engage the important leg muscles for you to use to make good position for the next ball. 

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