Footwork, Concentration and Rubber Cleaning


mehboob Unknown
mehboob Unknown Asked 16 years ago

thank you for the advice
how can i improve my footwork .i have pathetic footwork and loose lots of points bcoz of my footwork.can you give me some tips about improving my footwork and also my concentration.i also wanted to know about cleaning the rubbers.can we use water.and how to speed glue the bat.i have heard that one should put a varnish before applying glue.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 16 years ago

Hi Mehboob,

Lots of questions there.

The answer to improving your footork is to do lots of controlled footwork practice. Practice drills where you will know where the ball is coming in a pattern. Keep focus on your movement. The other key here is to focus on being balanced while you are hitting the ball. This will help your recovery to the next ball.

The best thing to clean your rubber with is water. Have a look at the PingSkills Blog on
Cleaning your Rubber

You can put varnish on your blade to protect your blade from constantly changing your rubber.

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