Footwork Lesson Part 2


Ji-Soo Woo
Ji-Soo Woo Asked 14 years ago

Hi Alois

forgive me if I am mistaken but from memory your footwork lesson video concentrated on side-to-side motion.  While my side-to-side footwork is nothing flash, my main problem is getting into position when the ball is dropping short and I have to move FORWARD.

So, when you get a chance, I would like to request a new footwork lesson video demonstrating footwork when you have to move forward for a loop/drive.  In particular, moving straight forward, moving forward and to your right, moving forward and to your left (as in when you are running around a short ball to your backhand to hit a forehand).  I often find that when I have to move forward AND sideways to get to a ball, my momentum is too sideways and not enough forward when I make contact with the ball...reducing control.

Many thanks!


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Ji-Soo,

I will add it to the ever growing list.

This is a good topic though.  We are thinking of a new concept that this might just fit in well with. 

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