Footwork Speed and Endurance


mat huang
mat huang Asked 12 years ago

Hi coaches

Please tell me what excercise to do to get good and accurate and fast footwork.

When i train with multiball to the 3 ball or back, pivot, cross, drills i cant get there in time and do the stroke properly. I also cant keep speed for long. I see pro play like 1 min or more non stop in high speed so how do you just do.

Please give a few options because i think footwork is like the basis of good table tennis


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Mat,


Whatever drills you do try to make them consistent initially.  This will come if you are balanced and using the correct foot movements that we show you in our lesson on Footwork Basics.

If you start slowly and make sure you are getting the movements right to start with you can then speed up.  Remember the Pros have been doing these drills for 10 years or more.

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