

Toe Naing Lin
Toe Naing Lin Asked 9 years ago


I have a very aggressive backhand and its stronger than my forehand. I want to develop my forehand because I can't win points with my forehand against good players. Now I'm playing in a club. How can I improve my forehand in terms of technique, speed and consistency?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Toe,

The main thing is to spend some time practicing the stroke to develop confidence in it.  Take a look at the lessons on:

Forehand Counterhit

Forehand Push

Forehand Topspin Against Block

Forehand Topspin Off Backspin

The other thin got think about is the position of your feet.  Often when players have stronger backhands they also turn their feet slightly to face their backhand side.  Try to turn your feet a little to the forehand and see if that also helps.

Recommended Video

Backhand Smash

Our advice is to avoid the backhand smash and play the forehand smash instead. However if you do get caught out and need to play it, watch this video to learn the right technique to use.

Watch Now

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