Forehand Action & Serving Styles


S J Asked 8 years ago

Dear Alois,

Greetings from India... your birth place.

Firstly, thank you for providing flawless and very systematic videos over you tube.

I enjoyed watching them and there's a lot more to learn from it.

My Qs : 1) My local city based coach suggests that I still have a lot to work over my forehand action. I being lefty is there any video to see of yours for a forehand action. I have already watched of Jeff's. It gets difficult while playing to take care of action, ball going the right way and leg movements. Pls comment on the same with some solution. Also, how imp is to master this basic forehand action?

Qs 2 ) As seen in serve 's of other International Players all have developed their unique serving style like Ma Lin and many more. Is it a good idea to develop our own unique serve to boggle the opponent in the match?

Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi SJ,

One trick to watch Jeff as a left hander is to put the video in a mirror and watch it.  One of our other readers suggested that to us a while ago.

I think it is good to get the basics of the serve to make sure you are getting plenty of spin first and then definitely develop your own style to make it unique.

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Thoughts on this question


S J Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Alois for the feedback.

A suggestion to market your website in other countries as well.

Let me know if you plan to visit India anytime in near furture.


Thanks and Best Wishes for Pingskills.


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Thanks SJ.

We have subscribers from about 170 countries now.  I would love to visit India if we get the time and opportunity.


Fesih TOPDEMİR Posted 8 years ago

wow 170 countries very good quantity...And how many  members do you have Alois...Premium and standart member ?

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