Sir..... I've been using tibhar evolution mx s on my forehand since some months and my forehand topspin has not improved much ...... But I saw a video on YouTube that explains that chinese rubber help you to improve faster... Is it really true?
If yes then which rubber would you personally recommend me to use in my forehand for better topspin.
Hi Shrey,
I don't think it has much to do with the rubber. It is more about technique. As long as you have rubber with a reasonable amount of grip, you will be able to learn and develop your topspins strokes.
Transferring your weight from one leg to the other is particularly important for the forehand stroke. In this video we teach you the right way to do it. It's really important to remain balanced during your stroke.
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Dima Shevchenko Posted 7 years ago
No, no you have to learn the technique first, especially Chinese rubbers will not help you. They are slow and need to be correctly used. Check out EmRatThich he has alot about table tennis videos on YouTube. He tells you how to loop better and things like that.
Eris Qarolli Posted 7 years ago
You probably think that it's the rubber but it really isn't. It's your technique. If you go with chinnese rubbers now you probably will have a worse forehand , since they're hard and tacky. You have a good rubber , stick with it and improve your technique. Later on when you have a good forehand topspin you can think about getting a chinnese rubber l, if that's what you want.
Dima Shevchenko Posted 7 years ago
Yeah Eris
Yousaid Cool Posted 7 years ago
what do you think about the donic top team 900 rubber? could it affect my technique because of the rubber's grip?