Terimakasih anda telah banyak membantu saya untuk perkembangan tenis meja sebagai pemula
Apakah serves (topspin,sidespin,backhandspin) pendek /yang jatuh dimeja bisa dilayani dengan forrehand push atau backhand push.
Dan cara melayani serves sidespin panjang yang jatuh diluar meja sebelah kanan ?
Sekali lagi terimakasih banyak .sukses terus pingskills
Haii ...
Thank you for helping me a lot for the development of table tennis as a beginner
Can a serve (topspin, sidespin, backhandspin) short / long be returned with forehand or backhand push.
And how to hit long sidespin that falls outside the table to the right?
Once again thank you very much. Success continues pingskills
Hi Shalibu,
Thank you for your kind words about PingSkills.
Any serve can be returned with a push or chop stroke.
For the long sidespin serve you can use the topspin stroke. Take a look at the tutorial on Returning a Long Sidespin Serve.
Hai Shalibu,
Terima kasih atas kata-kata baik Anda tentang PingSkills.
Setiap servis dapat dikembalikan dengan push atau chop stroke.
Untuk tepian panjang melayani Anda dapat menggunakan stroke topspin. Lihatlah tutorialnya Returning a Long Sidespin Serve.
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D K Posted 6 years ago
Wow,Alois,you speak Indian or what is that? :O
Google translate at work...