Forehand Rubber


Manuel Körner
Manuel Körner Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois!

You already know that my forehand site is my bad/weak side, but i keep on trying...^^ I use the Donic Akkadi Taichi 2,0mm RED on my forehand... now i have a question...

Im a little bit confused because the red one which i use is really spinny but definitly a slow rubber with good control feeling for allrounders maybe also (off -) but not more.

I saw lots of comments about this rubber and that comments are not very positive... but the black one is a really good rubber for attackers (in their opinion). I know the difference between black and red rubber in general, but is there really a unusual difference between RED and BLACK Akkadi Taichi, or is that just imagination?

Maybe you got some experience with this rubber, because i want to change it, i need a little bit more speed in my game, i can´t win matches only with my backhand site :/

bad english and greetings from Manuel again :D ^^

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Manuel,

I've never used that rubber so I can't really comment on it specifically. These days though I can't tell the difference between identical rubbers where the only difference is the colour. I've always used the same rubber on both backhand and forehand and I often switch between red and black and to me they have always been the same.

I would be very surprised if there was a difference but maybe some of our readers know more about the rubber Akkadi Taichi. If you've got some experience with this then please leave a comment for Manuel.

And Manuel, keep working on that forehand, it will get better!

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Thoughts on this question

Manuel Körner

Manuel Körner Posted 12 years ago

Ok this is the "official" difference between red and black Akkadi Taichi:

The black Akkadi Taichi is due to its special black sponge and a little harder than the red version. The red Akkadi Taichi is more elastic and, thanks to its Japanese cream sponge on an even better ball feedback. Especially for the forehand side, the black version is recommended, as this creates new possibilities in the surcharge, the opening game and the first topspin.

I hope thats correct english, google helped me a litte bit ^^. Maybe somebody know something about the black Akkadi Taichi, then please tell me your experience, that would be very helpful for me :)

Thanks for your answer Alois, im going to write you again when my forehand works better :)

greetings Manuel

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