Forehand topspin arm movement


eugene lu
eugene lu Asked 9 years ago

Hi pingskills,

When doing the forehand topspin, how does the arm function? My coach always say you shouldn't swing your whole arm out but you should swing your upper arm and use your forearm upon contact with the ball. I don't get it but I think he means that both the upper and forearm have different movements. Can you explain?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Eugene,

If you swing like we show you in the lesson on the Forehand Topspin Against Block these movements will happen naturally.

Focus on the start and finish positions of the stroke and it will all work for you.

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Thoughts on this question

eugene lu

eugene lu Posted 9 years ago

No it doesn't happen naturally. If you imagine my arm as a straw, my arm will be like a bent straw. Mine is just straight like the straw when it's straight

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Start with it straight and then finish with your bat touching your eyebrow.  That will bend it for you.

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