Forehand side chopping block


Evgeny Shumilin
Evgeny Shumilin Asked 10 years ago

Hello coaches!

I'm Eugene from Moscow. I'm interested in a stroke that I'm probably inventing as I've never seen it used. You know the backhand block executed with the wrist movement when the bat curves the ball on its side and decreases its spin and speed. It is usually executed by rigth handers aginst left handers to block against the forehand topspin.

I'm wondering if the same kind of stroke can be executed on the forehand side. Is it implementable as the wrist bends not as well to the outer side as to the inner side?

Thank you.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Evgeny,

This is possible.  I guess that it isn’t used a lot because players tend to try and counter topspin the ball if they have a chance on the forehand.  It can be effective though.  I think Waldner used it sometimes... but he was the master of touch...

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Thoughts on this question

Evgeny Shumilin

Evgeny Shumilin Posted 10 years ago

Yes, I saw it in the legends tour in his match against J. - M. Saive! Still, it's not an easy stroke to use in match.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Were you at the match?

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