From beginner to professional


Qamar Khan
Qamar Khan Asked 9 years ago


I am Qamar from Pakistan i want to be professional table tennis player just started playing after a long time.

Can you suggest me some of initials about the practice and key points to work on.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Qamar,

I think the first step is to work on technique and your strokes.  Take a look through the lessons on the Strokes & Techniques page of the site.

Then you can think about doing some formal training.  Try to find a partner to train with.  We have a set of Training drills that you can work through.  It is a free download. Training Drills.  Look through them and pick out some drills that you think will help.  Start with the simple drills and work your way through.  Later you can think about a Premium membership where you will be able to access the Training Secrets lessons.  These show you the drills and how to use them best.  It also shows you how to set out your training session and gives you a set of 52 weeks of Training Plans that you can work through.  This is a good investment if you are thinking about training regularly.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Spin and Speed

Get the most out of your topspins by using spin and speed. If you simply hit the ball faster without any topspin, it will sail off the end of the table.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

Qamar Khan

Qamar Khan Posted 9 years ago

thank you 

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