General help for a Chinese-Style using player


nick gehman
nick gehman Asked 14 years ago

READ THIS NOTE!: I hold the paddle chinese-style, (it looks like i am holding a pin kind of)


I currentley slam by lifting my arm up quickly at a slanted angle (heading towards the opponet) [my ping-pong paddle is sideways. with the top part of the paddle faced towards the opponet and the bottom towards me). I am new at doing this kind of slam, but i like it better than when i used to lunge at the ball.

Is this an effective way of slamming?

Is there a better way of slamming the ball?

Does this type of slam add any form of spin to it?



I do not know how to spin the ball YET. But my friends can spill the ball and i must say it's very troublesome trying to return the ball.


How do i spin the ball effectivley?

Is it hard to keep the ball low on a spin?

What are the types of spins and what do they do/where does it send the ball?



My serving is descent. The ball is either moderatley low or just low. Sometimes my serving is quick, but sometimes it isn't, so i guess i am inconsisent. I serve normally, i just hit the ball to the other side

How do i make my serve quick and low everytime?

How can i add a spin to my serve?

What's an easy and effective way of serving? and for that matter, what's a hard and really effective way of serving?

I guess i'll have to work on making the ball not hit the net most of the time, but, might as well ask. Is there a way to make sure the ball does not the net but still goes really low?


Returning a serve:

Sometimes the person serves the ball to my far left (I am very weak when it comes to serving at my left side)

How can i make sure that i can return the ball properly?


When the ball is slammed towards me:

Sometimes the person will slam the ball straight at me, and i have no time to react. I MAY hit the ball 20/30% of the time when someone effectivley slams it at me. Sometimes i am forced to do this kinda of scooping motion with my paddle, which is about 50% of the time a miss.

How can i learn to return those slams?

How can i stop making those scooping motions with my paddle?

 Do you all have a Facebook-thing?




Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Nick,

Firstly look at the lesson on Smashing or Slamming.  This will give you a good insight as to how you should do it.

To spin the ball you need to brush the ball on contact.  Make sure you have a paddle with a grippy surface.  To get more spin you just do this action faster.  We cover this extensively in our Serving Secrets DVD.

Serving is a complicated skills that needs a lot of training once you know the techniques.  The best players in the world still train their serves regularly because of this.

We are about to make a DVD on Receiving serves so watch out for this one.

You need to think about stopping someone from slamming rather than how to return a slam.  There is a good lesson on this on the Video Zone. 

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