Get the upper hand in longer rallys


Helge Böger
Helge Böger Asked 11 years ago

Hi everybody,

there is a question, which is burning in my soul. I'm starting to get an attacking chance against more experienced player. That is an thrilling experience for myself^^....but the problem is in the following battle. You said, that most of the ball ralleys last ca. 3 balls, but  i can handle this game pattern. Most of my more experienced opponents started to draw the ralley into an longer battle. then they start to nail me down with long ,HEAVY backspin in my forehand (i suggest they made this rally so that i don't stand good for topspin) or long into my backhand on the BODY so that my playing hand is moving incorrectly.

Its becoming quite frustraiting...I have the feeling that I'm trapped and thrown into the prison. Locks on my hand.

Maybe i have to be more flexible so that I have more time to move for myself? How can i achieve this? How can i break my lock?

greetings from Germany


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Helge,

Try to play that first ball just a little faster.  If your technique is good then you should be able to just increase the speed of your swing and therefore the stroke.

This will make it a little more difficult for them to control the ball back to you.

Sometimes it doesn't take much of an increase in pace to get good results with this.

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