Getting accustomed to a custom bat


Abhiram Reddy
Abhiram Reddy Asked 12 years ago

I've just bought my first custom racket(butterfly jonyer h-II + yasaka mark V max on both sides) and i have trained with it for a a couple of hours.I find it to be ridiculously fast and i was pleased with this but i was disappointed with the amount of spin i could generate which was quite less than what i could with my premade . What should i do to generate more spin? Extremely thin contacts with the ball?  Should i do the same even when i serve?  I know i will discover its secrets with more training but i just want to speed up the process as i have a tournament on the 9th of Feb.Thanks a lot Alois.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Abhiram,

The speed of the ball leaving the racket will make give you less spin.  Over the next day hit a lot of balls softly and with good control so that you get the feel of the racket.  Two days isn't a lot of time to get used to the bat but if you play consistently it will help.

Then concentrate on getting a finer contact on the ball.  This will help with the spin.

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Thoughts on this question

soma sundaram

soma sundaram Posted 10 years ago

Hi Abhiram,

How was the tournament went? Kindly provide your feedback about your first custom set-up (butterfly jonyer h-II + yasaka mark V max on both sides)

Thanks in advance,


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