Getting back into the game


Fasi Siddiqui
Fasi Siddiqui Asked 13 years ago

I used to play in college about 10 years ago and am now starting to get back into the game.  My local club only meets twice a week and I can only attend one of these sessions due to work.  Everyone there is at the intermediate level or above, except for me.   I am out of my league and am happy to get to 5 points in a match.  I am starting to get discouraged but love to play.  I am asking lots of questions and am trying to learn from the others.  Yesterday after playing 3 matches I spent the rest watching.  I purchased a cheap racket to get stated and should receive my custom one shortly it is a LKT instrict with 729 FX-C 1.8 on the forehand side with a Reflectoid 1.5 on the backhand.  I wanted to have a control blade to practice my basic strokes and love to chop and play defensively.  I am an advanced begginer.   I can't wait to recieve my racket, hopefully it will help.  Do you have any advice for me?  Thank You,


Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Fasi,

The best advice I have for you is to get to the club as often as you can veen if it is only once a week.  Then practice your skills during your time there and watch as much as you can.  You will learn a lot just by watching the others play.  Don't stress about being the lowest level player at the club.  Someone has to be.  Just play with as many people as you can and get as much experience as you can on the table.  That is the way you will improve.

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