Getting tired


Farid Farag
Farid Farag Asked 10 years ago

Hi , coach

A long time ago I had the ability to play about 3 hours without having a rest or only having short breaks . but now I can't play more than 25 minutes and I get so tired . what should I do ??

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Farid,

Maybe you are playing harder or moving more now.  If not, you should get your health checked.

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Thoughts on this question

Farid Farag

Farid Farag Posted 10 years ago

Thanks , Coach :)



D K Posted 10 years ago

I have similar experiences:

Some days I run around the table like on wings,able to hit any ball (I am not saying that I can return it but the ball at least hits my bat) and i can play for hours with just small breaks.

Other days,I cannot force myself to lift a foot,I play only a block or chop-block and I get tired after a few minutes.

What can cause that?

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