Getting to the Top


Przemek Bednarczyk Unknown
Przemek Bednarczyk Unknown Asked 17 years ago

Hi I would like to ask you how old was you when you starting get coaching and how many houres do you have to pracise a week to get to the top level. That's where i want to get . I am 13 maybe Olympics. I practise 8 hours a week is that enough?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 17 years ago

Hi Przemek,

I was 7 when I started getting coaching. The main thing at an early age is to get technique correct by getting some good advice, doing a lot of hitting and watching the best players.

How much do you need to practice? That depends on you. You need to practice as much as you really want to. Doing 8 hours a week of practice is a great start.  As you get a little older you can start to increase your hours.  If you have a great hunger to play and you have the opportunity you could play up to 20 hours a week once you are a little older. However, you can reach a high level by training well for a shorter period of time.  The best players in the world train between 4 and 6 hours a day.

Get down to your local club and see what they have to offer. Take advantage of all the programs they offer including any matches. Try to hit with as many players as you can but train correctly for the time you are on the table.

I hope you one day reach your goal of playing at the Olympics. It is a dream worth pursuing.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 17 years ago

Hi Przemek,

I had played a little bit of Table Tennis at Primary School, but it was not until I was 13 that I joined a Table Tennis club and started to get coaching. When I turned 18, I moved to Melbourne to go to University and train at the National Academy. At the academy I would often train around 20 hours a week.

 Good luck with your Table Tennis.

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