Ghost serve problems


Salaar Ali Assad
Salaar Ali Assad Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois ,

I am having difficulties in executing the ghost serve. The thing is every time i practice it it ends up as side spin and not back spin. I try to get the racket under the ball but it still happens. Please can you help me ,i would be very grateful if you could.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Salaar Ali,

Try to experiment with your wrist.  Even try to get the ball curving the other way.  You may get a chance to video yourself even if it is on your phone to see what you are doing on the contact.

Push your wrist up more to get the ball to curve the other way.  Exaggerate it to make sure the ball i snot curving away.  Experimentation is the best way to learn this.

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