

Edo Unknown
Edo Unknown Asked 16 years ago

Hi Alois

Why when I see on youtube how to use speed glue from you the red rubber must wait 5-10 minutes and the black one drirect to adhere on the blade?

Thank You


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 16 years ago

Hi Ed,

I was demonstrating two methods of using speed glue. It is not relevant the colour of the rubber. I was trying to show that you can experiment with both methods to see which you like best. You would typically only use one method for both rubbers.

The first method was to let the glue dry completely and then stick it to your blade. By doing this you are ready to play immediately. The second method involved a much longer time period. You need to glue up and apply the rubber straight away while the glue is wet. Then you need to leave the bat alone for up to 8 hours (normally overnight). Then you take the rubber off and use the first method. By doing this the glue really soaks into the rubber and you can often get a faster effect.

Having said all of that - speed glue has now been banned by the ITTF so you can forget about using it. There are some great new rubbers being developed which have a similar effect to a glued up rubber without having to use speed glue. I am going to get myself a pair of Tenergy rubbers and try them out as they are meant to be the best. I'll let you know what I think of them in a blog once I've given them a try. 

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