Glue sheet left residue


JOSEPH JUNEAU Asked 13 years ago

First time i had to remove rubber that was glued with a glue sheet!! It really made it hard to remove rubber on my poly coated blade. After adding new rubber i can see some unevening under rubber. I even did some light sanding on blade before adding rubber. Will it effect the way the rubber reacts when i play?


Should i try to remove rubber and reglue with regular glue or just try playing with it till it wears out? I will not use glue sheets again, i read the longer glue sheets are on blade the harder it is to remove rubber!!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Joseph,

Glue sheets are very messy and if you have an option it is best to use glue.

Now that you have the rubber on the bat it is best to leave it.  The uneven surface will really not effect the performance greatly.

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