good at knocking but not at match


Hammad Hammad
Hammad Hammad Asked 15 years ago


you are doing a very great job.we dont have a coach and now we have find you. we feel like having a treasure.

my question is that i am very good while practicing. I can loop very consistently at knocking, but when I play match, this does not work. all my consistency goes somewhere. how can i make it sure that i can deliver my true talent in the matches too?? thanx

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Hammad,

This is a big question. 

The first issue is mental.  To be able to play well during matches you need to be able to control your emotional level.  To do this you need to get some techniques to be able to calm yourself during matches.  If you think about how you feel during practice and how you feel during matches you will probably see that there is a big difference.  The closer you can get these two the better your match play will be.

The second issue is how well you are training.  It is easy to just get out ther and hit the ball back and forward.  It is another matter to be able to play points.  The first few ball so fa rally are the most crucila and the thing that we often practice the least.  Think about a match situation.  Most of it is about the serve, the return and the next ball.  This needs to be incorporated into you rtarining sesisons more.  Doing forehands and backhands helps a little as well, but how well you can serve and return the ball is much more critical to your match results.

The Training Secrets Revealed DVD goes through better Training techniques and also gives you  lots of drills that you can use for this exact purpose.

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Thoughts on this question

Titch Unknown

Titch Unknown Posted 15 years ago

Hi i have the same problem execpt we do practice service and return in our sessions, i jsut go to pieces when its a match time..

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