Good Serves to use in Doubles


Nagaraj Hegde
Nagaraj Hegde Asked 9 years ago

Hey Alois, I wanted to know some Good serves for doubles to gain the advantage during my side's serve, or go for the 3rd ball point. Plz suggest me some good serves (something that creates a possiblity for an ace).

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Nagaraj,

For doubles it is important to be able to serve the ball short on the table as your opponent only has a small area to cover.  So if you serve long it is easier for them to attack.  The other thing to think about it serving it close to the middle line.  If you do this it doesn’t give them the angle to go wide to your partner’s forehand side.

Take a look at these:

Ask The Coach Show #14 | Doubles Strategy

and for our Premium members there is this one on Doubles Strategy.


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Thoughts on this question

Nagaraj Hegde

Nagaraj Hegde Posted 9 years ago

Thanks for your advice. And please may i know to avoid the flicks that are executed perfectly by my opponents when i serve?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

Hi Nagaraj,

Work on keeping the ball lower and with more backspin to make it more difficult for them to flick.

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