Good strokes for spinning shots


Nathan Kuda
Nathan Kuda Asked 11 years ago


I have been playing table tennis for a decent amount of time and I think that I have become a well rounded player over the years. I think that I have a good side-spin and other variations of spin, but one thing I just can't figure out is if i should be using the standard forehand and backhand strokes for the spin or are there different types of strokes for spin? 


- Nathan

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Nathan,

The basics done very well is what the best players do to get to where they are.

Stay with the standard strokes and keep working on getting them faster and more consistent.  Topspin is the crucial spin that you need to work on.  That is what will get you to improve your game.

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