Grip Increase


sathya sankar
sathya sankar Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois Rosario and Jeff Plumb,

I haven's asked you a question in a while now...

I was just wondering how I would increase the grip on my bat

In my school I do a table tennis club which i attend to and my bat compared to others isnt really absorbed with grip which affects my performance so I just need to know how to increase the grip.

The grip on my bat isn't gone it is there.

My coach had told me to breathe on some air and rub it to increase it and I keep on doing that. Is there any other way apart from applying some oil onto the grips and breathing onto it.

Hope to hear from you,



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Sathay,

The best way is to wipe it with a damp cloth.  There is no need to put oil on the rubber.

You can also breath on it and wipe it as you have been doing.

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