Grip rubber on handle


Byron B
Byron B Asked 13 years ago

Is it ok to use grip rubber on the blade's handle?

I feel more comfortable when playing but it seem it will reduce the speed of ball...

Does the grip rubber will reduce the ball speed? And is there other pros and cons when using grip rubber? 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Byron,

Yes that is fine to use.  I used to use some for a while to get a better grip on the racket.

It is a matter of feel for yourself.  It doesn't effect the performance of the racket much at all.  Everyone is different here.  If it feels good use it.  You can even use an old bicycle tyre and cut a piece to slip over the handle.

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Thoughts on this question

martinand bernard

martinand bernard Posted 9 years ago

an old bicycle tyre good idea!!!! very thin and a good grip

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