Guide for training and self development


Wayne Sy
Wayne Sy Asked 12 years ago

Hi there coach, I would like to ask something about training and improvement. You see coach I am going to train myself really hard starting next year summer. And I have no absolute guide or idea how I am going to improve by myself. On the first month of summer, I would be joining a table tennis summer clinic and improve my game. After that, there's more than a month remaining in our summer, so with the remaining month, I am planning to go to a table tennis club everyday where in there are all different kinds of players and do a lot of match plays with stronger players. I am also planning to have a short physical training every morning. But is this enough to level-up my game as high as the summer duration time allows it? I am aiming to rank 1st next year, this year, I am ranked 3rd, is my plan enough? If not, what should I do in order to improve my game as fast as possible? Who should I seek? thanks coach

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Wayne,

I think the training clinic is a good idea.  It will help you to get your hours of training up.  Try to use the drills that you learn at the clinic on a regular basis after that. At the clinic you may even meet someone that you will be able to train with for the rest of the month depending on distances.

The most important thing is how many quality balls you can hit over the period.  Find the best ways to make this happen.  At the club see if you can do more drills and then combine it with match practice.  This will be a good combination.

Just work hard and then see how far you can improve.

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Congratulations on reaching the end of our training 101 series. You've covered a lot of ground and are now ready to join a club or take on our 52 week training plan.

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Thoughts on this question

Wayne Sy

Wayne Sy Posted 12 years ago

thanks coach :), and oh by the way coach, I would like to thank you for helping me in my questions which helped me and my partner finish 2nd place for doubles on our city division athletic meet, thank you so much coach :)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

That is good news Wayne.  It sounds like a good result.  It is always nice to hear how players are going.

It is a pleasure to try and help.

sachintha weerasinghe

sachintha weerasinghe Posted 12 years ago

Hey!! this is sachintha what I have got to say is that your coaching videos are very useful as you highlight all the key features of what you teach

Wishing alois,jeff and all the other members of pingskills best of luck with their future work!

Long live PINGSKILLS!!!!!

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