Gustavo Tsuboi serve


Jakob TheUnknown
Jakob TheUnknown Asked 11 years ago

Hello Alois and Jeff!

What type of serve is Gustavo Tsuboi doing? Do you know the name of it? Looks lika a pendulum serve but i'm not sure. And what spin is he getting of it?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Jakob,

Yes it is a Pendulum serve.  He just has a big backswing with it.  He can serve it with a lot of different spins like all the top players can.

Recommended Video

Basic Serving Strategy

In this video you will learn about basic serving strategies such as serving wide on either side. It is also important to not always serve to the same spot and to make sure you are always varying your service location.

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