I know equipment is a personal preference but when you are someone who always stays close to the table, is there something you should pay attention to when choosing a blade and rubbers? What equipment is more suitable when you play close to the table, hard or soft?
Hi Benjamin,
There are no set rules with this. Even from close to the table, some players will like a faster blade and others will like the softer blade with more feel.
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Benjamin Coene Posted 9 years ago
Thanks. Today i trained for the first time with my new blade, butterfly Viscaria. Before i played with butterfly Iolite. My new blad is average stiff and average hard. So I took the middle way and i can adjust with harder or softer rubbers.
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago
Good to hear it worked out.
Johan B Posted 9 years ago
It almost worked out too well... He was making controlled loops and I was giving him all kinds of nasty blocks last night - fast, slow, backspin, topspin, sidespin - he could still cope with it for the most part