Having a weak training partner


Atanas Atanasov
Atanas Atanasov Asked 10 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

Recently, I started having problems with my training partners and it is that they are not able to direct the ball well when blocking. Some people say that it's even better because you have to move a lot with your feet. I' ve trained this way for a year, maybe and now I want to work on some other things such as power, spin, speed of my topspin stroke and that seems to be a difficult task when your partner can' t block the ball to approximately the same place. I would be very grateful if you can tell me some exercises with which my partners can improve and start directing the ball better.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Nasko,

Tyr to teach them to feed multiball.  THat will be the best way of training with them.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#25 - Serving with Spin

You get plenty of opportunity to practice serving with spin in this week's training plan. We change the normal routine slightly by not having a dedicated serving time at the end of the session. Instead we focus on and practice the serve through most of the exercises. This is an important part of Table Tennis so put a lot of effort into this session.

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Thoughts on this question

Evgeny Shumilin

Evgeny Shumilin Posted 10 years ago

Hello, dear Alois and Jeff!

I am Evgeny and I live in Moscow. I find this topic apt for my question so I do not want to start another one. Some players in my club say that playing with a partner equal to you in skills will lead you nowhere. Can you refute this statement? For example, I've come through Training and Drills and I've seen that you do not agree that it is useless training with an equal partner. I have intermediate partners, who can block and spin. So do you think one can achieve progress, say, not with a master partner?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Hi Evgeny,

You certainly can.  As long as they can block the ball back for you you can practice a lot of training drills.  In fact with any player there is something that you can practice.  I practiced with both very good players and others that were not as strong as me at the time and found benefit in both.

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