

JD Wong  Wong
JD Wong Wong Asked 6 years ago

I'm very tall  actually I'm 185cm so am I too tall to play table tennis or should I just squat a little so that I can have a lower position. Is this the reason why I can't do the forehand topspin that well I keep get into a akward position. Is is my height or its my mistake. Pls reply me it's really important.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi JD,

There are players that have reached high World Rankings and World champions that have been that tall.  Jorgen Persson was World champion and is 186cm, Vladimir Samsonov was runner up at a World championships and is 189cm.

The key is how they use their legs and height.  They do bend their knees well to get lower and this also helps them with their reach and balance.

Take a look at some footage of those two players playing and you will see what I mean.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Playing as a Tall Player

If you have the gift of height then you'll want to watch this video to learn how you can use your height to your advantage and how you can minimise some of the disadvantages associated with being so tall in table tennis.

Watch Now

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