My name is Umang i think i can play most of the shots well up till your silver level skills and some of your gold level too.but there is one problem with me my serve is too bad or the worst among my group.i play well but when it comes about serve you can not expect anything from me.i need a goodd serve. Can you please help me with that?
Hi Umar,
Try and follow the advice in Six Steps to a Better Table Tennis Serve. Remember that it takes time to develop a good serve so keep working at it and you will make progress.
It is always a good idea to watch players that are better than you and figure out how they do things. If most people you are playing against have a better serve then try and emulate some of their serves. Get a bucket of balls and simply practice serving. Do hundreds of serves. This is the best way to improve.
Brett Clarke who is the current Australian coach was Australia's best server when he was a player. He developed this through countless hours at the Albert Park Table Tennis centre practicing his serve.
To get better at serving you need to practice. We give you a step by step framework to follow to ensure you are making the most of your practice time.
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