Hesitation and Over excited.

Mental Preparation

Vincent Munoz
Vincent Munoz Asked 14 years ago

From what I've noticed from my games and others, there are three common problems for beginners that occur during games even if he/she has enough drills.

1. Hesitation(hesitant to hit the ball even if there's no spin)

2. Over excited. Excited to hit the ball even if the timing is not right.

3. Composure. the ability to stay relax even if your score is down.

How can I avoid these problems? I only have a robopong 2050 as there's no table tennis club in our place.

 Another thing is, is your training secrets revealed has videos that you have not posted in youtube?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago


The three things you have talked about are all part of the same problem.  That is your ability to control how excited you get during a game.  It is important to find the right level for you to play at your best. 

Not having the right level will lead to all of those things.

Take a look in our Ask the Coach Topics on the right hand side of the page.  Take a look at the topic of Mental Preparation.

Thanks also for your query about the Training Secrets DVD.  This is one of the DVDs we don't put up onto Youtube, however you can purchase it through our website. The proceeds of these DVDs goes towards us producing more lessons and DVDs.

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Where on the court are you allowed to go? In this lesson we show you exactly what you are allowed to do. We also answer the question on whether you are allowed to stand on the table.

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