Hiding spin on serve


michael chillemi
michael chillemi Asked 14 years ago


I am playing an opponent who disguises spin on the serve very well its also the same action i cant tell the difference. i am having trouble picking whether its going to be back or top spin.

help me out?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Michael,

This is the subject of our next DVD which we have in the planning stsge and will start to film shortly.

One of the keys is experience.  So while you are waiting, try to get as much experience against as many serves as you can.  This will help.

You need to watch carefully the action and the ball in flight.  Then also watch carefully where the ball goes after you hit it.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Receiving Options

There are 3 main strokes you can play when returning serve, a push, a flick and a topspin. We discuss these options in detail.

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