High arcing loops


Tevia Sapire
Tevia Sapire Asked 14 years ago

Hi Pingskills,

I would like to know how would I go about developing a very spinny high arcing quite fast loop, mainly for use during counterlooping rallies. Idealy, I would like the ball to dip heavily so I have a large margin for error . I know this is much easier further away from the table.

Thanks in advance

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Tevia,

The key here is to get a lot of topspin on the ball.

The topspin is what makes the ball dip quickly.  To be able to hit the ball fast and get dip you need extreme amounts of spin on the ball.  You can brush up the back of the ball to generate this spin.

When you are back form the table you have a bit more area to play with so it becomes a btit easier.  Counterooping is a great feeling. If you are getting enough spin on the ball you can virtually hit the ball as hard as you want and it will still dip down onto the table.

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