Hit the ball before it bounce on the table.


johnremi remi
johnremi remi Asked 12 years ago

Can i hit the ball before it bounce on the table.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Johnremi,

This is the trickiest rule of Table Tennis.

As soon as someone hits the ball before it bounces it is the end of the point.

If the ball is over the table and I hit it before it bounces, then I lose the point.

If the ball goes out past the table and then I hit it before it bounces, then it si my point because the ball has already gone out.

I hope this clears up the rule.

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Thoughts on this question

Julio Torres

Julio Torres Posted 12 years ago

If you hit it in volley before the finish line it is point for you, but if you do it before the ball cross that line it is point for your opponent...

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