Holding Bat


vineeth agarwal
vineeth agarwal Asked 13 years ago

Is it necessary to hold the bat in either shake hand or pen hold style?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Vineeth,

It isn't necessary but those grips are tested and tried to be able to allow you to play your strokes well.

If you have found something that suits you better give it a go but also try out the standard grips. 

Recommended Video

Advanced Forehand Topspin

Once you've mastered the start and finish position of the forehand topspin, you can start to focus on finer details. In this video we talk about the position of your legs, weight transfer, varying the finish position, incorporating footwork, the use of your wrist, and the angle of your bat for the stroke.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

vineeth agarwal

vineeth agarwal Posted 13 years ago

in shakehand grip,we have only one finger in contact with the rubber of our bat.but i feel more comfortable using two fingers.is that alright?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
The problem with having two fingers on the back is that you can't move your wrist as well.  It locks your wrist a little so it is best to just have one finger on the back.

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